Lessors and Airlines face continued fleet management and fleet utilisation challenges over 2021 and beyond. Many industry experts are forecasting that up to 20% of the World’s passenger aircraft will not return to service in that form post pandemic. Passenger to Freight presents a real alternative for these aircraft – both wide body and narrow body.
At cloudcards we are proud of the role our CARDS® software plays in project managing recent conversion projects. Our CARDS® platform, powered by Salesforce and AWS was the software backbone of the project management of the recent A321 P2F conversion with Titan Airways.
CARDS® is ideal to oversee the conversion as it has the flexibility to manage the new demand and changes made with P2F. Our software allows overseeing physical inspection of the aircraft conversion, log all the issues arising and also review the engineering documentation for the aircraft acceptance from the conversion center.
CARDS® will give your technical leads all the information needed to ensure the conversion is completed on time and can help to reduce cost. Contact our team on salesATcloudcardsDOTie or +35312548026 to find our how we can assist on your P2F conversion project.
Headquartered in Limerick, Cloudcards provides software solutions that empower aviation professionals to efficiently manage assets, streamline operations, and drive business growth.
The company offers products covering aircraft leasing Asset Management, Document management, and CARDS® Aircraft redelivery project management software, as well as providing a range of aircraft technical services solutions to airlines and lessors. For more information, please visit wwww.cloudcards.ie.